LEI Approved Training Options

Below are a number of LGBTQ+ aging trainings that have been pre-approved for the LEI Ongoing Training Requirement.

These trainings are not offered directly by the LEI team, and they are likely to have a fee associated with them. Please reach out directly to the content providers using the information below if you are interested in accessing these trainings.

Once you have completed training, you can submit your survey hours on the online form. The LEI survey is currently closed, but you can obtain training credit for the LEI 2027 between January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2026. 

Do you want to become an approved LEI training provider?

Third-party or training developed by the LEI participating organization may be used to meet the ongoing training requirements of the LEI. To request a training be approved for the LEI, please open and complete the form below.