Below are a number of LGBTQ+ aging trainings that have been pre-approved for the LEI Ongoing Training Requirement.
These trainings are not offered directly by the LEI team, and they are likely to have a fee associated with them. Please reach out directly to the content providers using the information below if you are interested in accessing these trainings.
Once you have completed training, you can submit your survey hours on the online form. The LEI survey is currently closed, but you can obtain training credit for the LEI 2027 between January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2026.
Project Visibility: Creating Inclusive Communities for LGBTQ+ Older Adults is cultural responsiveness training for service providers and any interested party on the strengths and needs of LGBTQ+ older adults.
LEI Approved Training:
"Project Visibility: Creating Inclusive Communities for LGBTQ+ Older Adults"
Learn more about BCAAA Project Visibility - Boulder County.
Center on Halsted’s Training & Public Education Institute provides customized trainings to meet any group’s needs, including corporations, nonprofits, colleges & universities, and healthcare providers.
LEI Approved Trainings:
"Working with Older LGBTQ+ Clients"
Visit Center on Halsted - Chicago's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Community Center
LGBT Senior Housing and Care provides affirming and welcoming training in practices, protocols, and programs for LGBTQ+ older adults in housing, long-term care, healthcare, and services.
LEI Approved Training:
"LGBTQI+ & HIV+ Older Adult Affirming and Welcoming Practices, Protocols and Programs for Long-term Care Communities"
MiGen trainings are for aging care providers, direct care workers, caregivers, organizations, or any service provider or individual seeking to expand their knowledge around culturally responsive practices and care for LGBTQ+ older adults.
LEI Approved Training:
"A.R.C. (Act. Reflect. Commit.)" (available online asynchronous learning modules)
-Live Instructor-Led Training (available in-person and virtually)
Learn more and schedule a training at
NOAGE provides LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency Training for healthcare and other service providers who serve LGBTQ+ older adults. We have trained hundreds of local providers on issues related to LGBTQ+ aging.
LEI Approved Training:
"Improving Care for LGBTQ+ Older Adults"
NOAGE – New Orleans Advocates for LGBTQ+ Elders (
SAGECare provides LGBTQ+ competency training and consulting on LGBTQ+ aging issues to service providers. SAGECare offers the added benefit that qualifying agencies may receive a national credential to highlight the percentage of staff trained.
LEI Approved Trainings:
"Creating Inclusive Communities"
“Creating Inclusive Communities for California’s LGBTQ+ Older Adults”
"Creating Inclusive Communities for LGBTQ+ Older Adults-NJ”
"Supporting LGBTQ+ Older Adults"
Since 2017, five states (California, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Oregon) and the District of Columbia have passed an LGBTQ Long-Term Care Bill of Rights law. Any training completed between Jan 1, 2023 through Nov 22, 2024 to meet your state requirement is pre-appproved for the LEI ongoing training requirement. Submit your spreadsheet/lms report on this form to receive credit for your hours completed.
Does your community provide training in-house or use a training provider not listed above? You can receive on-going training credit by providing a training that is developed by your organization or third-party that covers the criteria below. Fill this form to submit training for approval.
Requirement for LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency Training
The training must be a minimum of 60 minutes. The following is the curricula content required:
Third-party or training developed by the LEI participating organization may be used to meet the ongoing training requirements of the LEI. To request a training be approved for the LEI, please open and complete the form below.