LEI Survey & Criteria Resource Guide

Produced by the HRC Foundation

The LEI Survey & Criteria Resource Guide is a comprehensive instructional and reference accompaniment to the Long-Term Care Equality Index (LEI) survey. 

The resources provided here are certainly not the only ones available to help guide your community in LGBTQ+ person-centered care; however, we hope they can help you get started on implementing best practices in equitable and inclusive care for LGBTQ+ residents, visitors, and staff.

LEI Survey & Criteria Resource Guide covers all sections of the LEI survey in great detail, here you can find:

  • Explanations of why these policies and practices we ask about are important
  • Example policies for reference
  • Worksheets and tools for participation
  • And more 

We hope you find the LEI Survey & Criteria Resource Guide helpful in taking steps to ensure equitable and inclusive treatment for LGBTQ+ residents, families, and employees at your facility. If you have any further questions about the LEI, please do not hesitate to contact our team at LEI@hrc.org.

The LEI Scoring Criteria Overview

The LEI promotes LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and practices in residential long-term care and senior housing. The LEI criteria consist of emerging best practices known to improve the experiences of LGBTQ+ older adults, visitors, and staff.

The LEI has four core objectives which are reflected in its survey criteria:

  • Ensure foundational non-discrimination protections for residents, visitors, and staff and provide training in LGBTQ+ Resident Centered Care
  • Demonstrate progress towards inclusion of LGBTQ+ resident services and support
  • Foster an inclusive workplace by providing LGBTQ+ inclusive employee policies and benefits
  • Demonstrate engagement with and a public commitment to the LGBTQ+ community

Criteria 1: Non-Discrimination and Staff Training

The Non-Discrimination and Staff Training criterion represents policies and practices that are considered foundational to LGBTQ+ resident-centered care. The section includes important elements that should be completed first and which, when complete, will provide a strong base from which to grow. The resource pages include sample policies and examples of how long-term care communities and senior housing providers can meet this criterion. 

Criteria 2: Resident Services and Supports

This criterion includes a wide variety of best practice recommendations drawn from federal nursing home regulations under the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS), guidance from the National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, and additional research and reports regarding the needs of LGBTQ+ older adults living in long-term care and senior housing communities. Three subsections compose this criterion.

Criteria 3: Employee Benefits & Policies

This criterion is designed to familiarize communities with best practices to promote equity and inclusion for LGBTQ+ employees. It is critical that LGBTQ+ employees, like LGBTQ+ residents, receive equal treatment, particularly vis-à-vis health-related benefits and policies. 

Criteria 4: Resident & Community Engagement

This criterion helps long-term care communities ensure that 1) LGBTQ+ residents are connected to the larger LGBTQ+ community and 2) that the long-term care or senior housing community builds relationships with the larger LGBTQ+ community.

Take the Commitment to Caring Pledge

The Commitment to Caring Pledge is the first step to participating in the Long-Term Care Equality Index (LEI). Visit our pledge page to learn more!

The Human Rights Campaign reports on news, events and resources of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation that are of interest to the general public and further our common mission to support the LGBTQ+ community.

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