Resources and Reports

Browse our downloadable and shareable resources and reports, with various topics on inclusive care backed by the LEI and partner organizations. Find the support and back-up you need to make your Long-Term Care or Senior Housing Community more LGBTQ+ inclusive.

Featured Research from the LEI

Why the LEI

This document summarizes the case for the Long-Term Care Equality Index and provides an overview of the LEI.

View LEI Overview

LGBTQ AGING: The Case for Inclusive Long-Term Care Communities

This brief explores why the LEI is an important process that all long-term care communities should engage in—especially if they pride themselves on being rooted in person-centered care; if they are intent on continually enhancing their diversity, equity and inclusion; and/or if they wish to grow their market of potential residents.

Explore the Research

LEI Guides for Finding Communities

Find supportive resources and accompanying webinars to learn how to vet your local long-term care communities for LGBTQ+ inclusivity.

View Guides for Seniors

Guides to LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Aging Services

See the reports below to learn more about how your organization can become more LGBTQ+ inclusive.

Inclusive Services for LGBT Older Adults: A Practical Guide to Creating Welcoming Agencies

This publication helps to answers the question: “How can our mainstream aging organization provide inclusive and welcoming services to older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender adults?” Written with suggestions, tips and practical ideas from mainstream aging providers in the field, along with SAGE and the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging’s partners.

View Welcoming Agencies Guidebook

LGBT Programming for Older Adults: A Practical Step-by-Step Guide

This guide, created in consultation with organizations around the U.S. that serve LGBTQ+ older adults, will walk you through the steps to launch a movie viewing and discussion centered on LGBTQ+ aging themes. This program is simple to organize and can be an important step toward a number of goals, including welcoming LGBTQ+ older adults to your organization or agency; creating a safe space for the LGBT older adults you already serve to identify themselves, and/or more fully integrate into your agency; and fostering an agency-wide culture of openness and acceptance.

View Step-by-Step Guide

Inclusive Questions for Older Adults: A Practical Guide to Collecting Data on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

This guide helps to answers the question: “How can our mainstream aging organization ask questions about sexual orientation and gender identity in safe and respectful ways to better inform our services and programs?" Written with suggestions, tips and practical ideas this guide will assist in your organization's path to asking fully inclusive questions to all of your clients.

View Data Collection Guide

Supporting External Reports on the Needs of Older Adults in LGBTQ+ Community

Learn more about the needs and fears of LGBTQ older adults seeking long-term care through real experiences.

Out & Visible: The Experiences and Attitudes of LGBT Older Adults, Ages 45-75

Out and Visible examines the values, needs, wants and lifestyle preferences of LGBT older people. This study explores the aging realities of LGBT people, as well as their fears, beliefs, behaviors and aspirations in areas such as healthcare, finance and retirement, support systems, housing and sources of information.

Maintaining Dignity: A Survey of LGBT Adults Age 45 and Older

This AARP study surveyed mid-life and older LGBTQ adults, examining their concerns and experiencing around aging in the US. The survey asked questions around preferences in seeking out partners and support networks, and navigating aging health issues. Results reveal concerns around having continued social support, lack of access to LGBTQ-specific senior services, and inadequate long-term care.

LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities: Stories from the Field

This publication is the result of a survey undertaken by six organizations seeking to better understand the experiences of LGBTQ older adults in long-term care settings. The survey also sought to capture personal comments that describe some of the varied experiences of LGBTQ older adults, their loved ones, and the providers who care for them.

Opening Doors: An Investigation of Barriers to Senior housing for Same-Sex Couple

This report documents the results of 200 matched-pair telephone tests conducted by the ERC in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Washington. In 96 of the 200 tests (48%), a tester inquiring about housing in a senior living facility for a same-sex couple experienced at least one form of adverse differential treatment, as compared to a counterpart tester inquiring about housing for a heterosexual couple.

Dignity Denied: Religious Exemptions and LGBT Elder Services

While many of these religiously affiliated facilities provide quality care for millions of older adults, there is a coordinated effort to pass religious exemption laws, issue executive orders and agency guidance, and to litigate court cases to allow individuals, businesses, and even government contractors and grantees to use religion to discriminate. These laws are particularly worrisome for LGBTQ elders. Religious exemption laws jeopardize the security and safety of LGBTQ older adults at a time when they are most vulnerable and most in need.

Why "LGBTQ-Welcoming" Will Soon be a Hallmark of the Most Successful Senior living Communities: A Primer for Operators, Marketers & Leadership

One untapped segment of the market that presents a viable opportunity for senior living communities to grow their business—lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) seniors. Perhaps little known and less understood by the industry, LGBTQ older adults experience a range of unmet needs and discrimination when looking for senior housing. This is especially unfortunate considering that it is a market poised for rapid growth as a result of increasing numbers of Baby Boomers entering retirement. In fact, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force puts the number of LGBTQ seniors in the U.S. at 3 million and notes that this figure is expected to double by 2030 (Tobijah, 2017). Developing a marketing strategy that attracts LGBTQ older adults is the right thing to do. And it’s good business.

Supporting Your LGBTQ+ Grandchild

In a partnership between PFLAG and SAGE–and with a foreword by Dear Abby–SUPPORTING YOUR LGBTQ+ GRANDCHILD offers support for grandparents about what to do when a grandchild comes out. Full of useful knowledge, answers to common questions, and helpful tips, this is a must-read for any grandparent looking to learn more about how to support LGBTQ grandkids...or looking for support for themselves.